Ryan Reynolds, the usually comedic actor, takes a turn toward evil in
The Amityville Horror (R). The film is a remake of the wildly popular 1979 haunted house flick based on a bestselling book based on real events. In it, Reynolds plays George, who moves into a new estate with his new family. The family is well aware of the fact that the place they call home once was a murderous crime scene. They ignore that fact and try their best to settle in together. George begins hearing voices, his stepdaughter begins talking to dead girls, and many other creepy things start happening. While interesting, the fun doesn't take full force until the second act, when George's eyes become bloodshot everytime he spends time in the house. The finale is absolutely terrifying and packed with horrific energy. It is not the best movie out there and it isn't the scariest I've seen, but Reynolds' riviting performance deserves to be seen. At one point, the bloodshot contacts seem to take control of his entire essence as he truely becomes monstorous. It is simply a lot of fun to get scared in Amityville.

The Amityville Horror might not have scared you, Joey, but you better be scared when I kick in your door in the middle of the night... Watch your back!
-The Punisher
But The Amityville Horror did scare me! Read my reviews before you threaten me!
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