Monday, May 16, 2005

Review: "Mind Hunters"

Mind Hunters (R) is another one of those flicks that was shelved for one reason or another for a few years before the studio decided to release it. It has a decent cast, including Val Kilmer, LL Cool J, and Christian Slater. The plot involves a team of profilers stranded on an island playing out a FBI training scenario when suddenly everything seems a bit too real. We learn that one of the profilers has joined the dark side and has decided to kill off the team members, one by one, using elaborate death traps. It is ridiculous, preposterous, and highly entertaining. It is certainly suspenseful as the action never lets up for even a moment. Full of twists at every turn, this is one fun flick.

On a related side note, if you dislike this movie for its absurdity, yet you are having a hard time waiting patiently for this Thursday’s release of Star Wars: Episode III – Revenge Of The Sith, please enlighten me on how light sabers make more sense than the elaborate death traps set up in this flick. I only mention this because some of my fellow critics are panning Mind Hunters based solely on its outrageousness. If you have trouble with the suspension of disbelief concept, your best bet is to avoid movies at all costs. In other words, sit back, relax, and be entertained because while Mind Hunters will never win an Academy Award, I guarantee it will win your attention, tug on your nerves, and deliver more than enough excitement.

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