Dark Water (PG-13) is yet another horror flick based on a Japanese movie of the same name. Instead of Naomi Watts or Sarah Michelle Gellar in the lead, Jennifer Connelly takes the reigns. She does an above average job with the material here. Like
The Ring (and its sequel) and
The Grudge, the plot revolves around a creepy ghost girl that is calling out for help in a very deadly way. That side of the flick is very
been-there-done-that and is worthy of nothing more than a series of yawns. However, unlike the other films of its type, this one offers a redeemable side story about Connelly’s character trying to deal with her own childhood and her present motherhood in a dumpy New York apartment. Unfortunately, when the two stories collide, both go downhill. Certain aspects that are brought up end up going nowhere, the bad-plumbing motif never makes complete sense, and the movie is just not worth your time or money. I have to admit that it is the best effort out of the Japanese horror flicks, but that isn’t saying anything, though.

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