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I loved this movie. As much as I now hate Joss Whedon. ;P
BTW, I think Universal did the movie, not FOX.
And I appreciate you putting in a link to read the text of your reviews since I think I am the last person on the planet that can't listen to pods.
Yes, you are correct about the FOX/Universal thing. Universal bought the rights from FOX. Thanks for pointing that out. My mistake - sorry.
Why do you hate Joss Whedon?
Oh, and you are missing out on quite a bit when you read the reviews as opossed to listening to them. However, I am guessing that you don't have speakers or something similar. What better reason to get some speakers than to have the ability to listen to my podcasts!!! ;-)
Why do you hate Joss Whedon?
"I am a leaf on the wind..." *Whack!!*
Then he actually made me frett for everyone else! LOL! Doesn't he know that in Hollywood the good guys are always supposed to escape unscathed?
I have speakers at work, but then everyone would know I'm not working.
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