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Joey, the page is better than ever... i love the way that there is a small quotation about each movie (the one-liner) on the home page... Joey, the site is seriously great. I'm impressed, and in all seriousness you should be proud. Congratulations.
o, you should see if there's anything you can do to dodge all this junk-mail posting above. What the hell is the world coming to? Junk mail in a blog's comment section?
Thanks, Kody. I appreciate your comments. I will be not allowing anon comments anymore. Some day in the near future I would like to have a guest critic on. When you passionately hate a movie and I love it to death (or vice versa), I would like to do a special edition of The Popcorn Journal in which we match wits on the flick. Would you be interested? I think it would be quite interesting. Let me know.
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