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I don't know if you remember, but this is the Disney movie I told you I auditioned for. :P
Sorry I've been slow to respond, it's getting down to the final week on my Google grant and I've got a lot of work to do to finish. I'm on schedule, though, so it's not my usual last-minute thing! :)
Oh, and check out my blog, I switched to new software because my old one was getting so many hits from spammers. It wasn't bad until this month - it's only half over and I've already received 200,000 hits, most of them spammers, that transferred 4gb of data (if you want to think about it in other terms, that's like five or six high-quality movies!). I wasn't having too much of a problem with them leaving spam comments, but the amount of transfer was a problem because it was so gi-normous and I have to stay within a certain limit. Anyway, I like the new software a lot, I went down from 26,000+ hits a day to 750, and I loaded it up with a bunch of plugins - you can see what I'm listening to, see events coming up, and all kinds of goodies...
Damn, it's late for me again and I'm tired... You're probably asleep already, even though it's only 10:30 there! I got my accommodation and such for Leeds, I should post about that on my site. I'll do that, tomorrow. Maybe. Anyway, later..
That's awesome!!! What was the part you auditioned for?
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