Sunday, January 23, 2005

Reviews: "Are We There Yet?" & "Assault On Precinct 13"

This weekend, I saw "Are We There Yet?" starring Ice Cube. It is a family comedy about a bachelor trying to win over a single mother. The kids in the film are obnoxious, which is actually the fault of the screenplay. While the entertainment is nonstop, it is also irritating and does not pass for comedy. I would be lying, though, if I said I didn't at least mildly enjoy the movie. It was number one at the box office this weekend. Let's hope it's stay there is very temporary.

I also saw "Assault On Precinct 13" starring Ethan Hawke and Laurence Fishbourne. I had originally envisioned this flick to be fun and fast. Unfortunately, it is not as fast-paced as the trailers make it look. I have never disliked a film featuring events that happen all in one night (ala "Go" and "Can't Hardly Wait") until now. This graphic tale about the seige of a police precinct is predictable, unsuspensful, and (at times) boring.

Overall, this weekend was unsatisfactory. Let's hope next weekend offers up some better flicks. On Tuesday, the Oscar nominations will be announced. Check back here for my picks.

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